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Welcome To The New Fikra Website

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Date: 09-09-2023

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Welcome to the new and improved Fikra Website! We’re super excited to introduce this brand new Fikra format where you’ll be connected with all the information you need to:


●      Attend our events

●      Stay updated on upcoming shows and events

●      Participate as a business, merchant, or developer

●      Compete in Fikra tournaments and Cosplay events

●      Gift Event Tickets to friends

●      Host your own events through Fikra platforms

●      And so much more.


The Fikra Website is a long time coming. We’ve been in the event coordination space for over a decade. Since kicking off some of the biggest gaming events in the Middle East, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to successfully host events. We want to pass everything we’ve learned about event coordination on to you through the power of the Fikra Website.


This website captures years and years of hard work into a streamlined, super-accessible platform. Our goal with the Fikra Website is to make a one-stop shop not just for our events, but for yours too. The Fikra Website is a bona fide event coordination hub where hosts can leverage the logistical capabilities of Fikra assets for their own purposes.


But there’s more to our vision than that: We believe in the potential of the Middle East as not only a global gaming convention hub but as a World-Class convention capital. Right here in Kuwait, we have access to vast event spaces to host any number of events: from business conventions to—our cup of tea—high-intensity gaming tournaments.


Fikra is a strident advocate for commercial opportunities in Kuwait. We are proud to say we’ve done good work in putting the Middle East on the map for gamer-centric events. Kuwait Battle Royale is the longest-running fighting game tournament in the Middle East; GX is one of the largest gaming expos in the entire region, drawing in famed developers and gaming icons from around the world to our backyard.


Our success doesn’t exist in a vacuum; all we did was tap the burgeoning market potential that already existed in Kuwait. We believe we are no different from any other enterprising go-getter here in the Middle East—we’re just enthusiastic Kuwaiti gamers who saw our chance to make our home into a gaming center.


That’s why we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your vision up and running; we want to show you how we’ve built the Fikra Website into a resource that empowers our growing roster of acclaimed gaming events; we want you to be able to use our resources to empower your own visions for entrepreneurial success in the Middle East.


Your dreams are possible, and Fikra can help you make them a reality 


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