About Us
Fikra means idea in Arabic.
The idea behind Fikra is simple but immense:
What if we could transform Kuwait into the next global hub for all things gaming?
Bring thrilling eSports tournaments, sprawling gaming expos, dazzling cosplay contests, and so much more right here to Kuwait?
Based on our successes since our foundation in 2010, our idea is becoming a reality.
Fikra is a multi-media, event-planning company that empowers the Kuwaiti gaming scene.
We’ve hosted massive gaming expos and eSports tournaments right in Kuwait — the first of their kind in the region and the largest ever.
Our events have drawn in thousands of people across the Middle East and around the world, from legendary gaming icons to passionate, everyday gamers.
Our digital platforms have connected the Middle East to the rest of the world, showcasing the prowess of Kuwaiti gamers and the market potential for gaming in the Middle East.
Over a decade, Fikra has laid the groundwork to make Kuwait a gaming industry leader in the Middle East.
Here are just a few of the Fikra accomplishments that have put Kuwaiti gaming on the map:
Formed the largest continuously running fighting game tournament in the Middle East: KBR
Started Kuwait’s first gaming events expo — GX — an event packed with vendors, cosplay contests, AAA developer presentations, and more.
Held the first official Final Fantasy orchestra in the Middle East
We’ve come a long way from our humble beginnings and we’ve never been more excited for what the future has in store.
Follow us on our social media (FikraKW) and join us as we bring Kuwaiti gaming into the future!